Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Just Take the Punch Thrown at You

We all have goals; short term, long term, and even a bucket list. These goals don't only motivate us to make it to a check point in our lives, but these goals also play a major role in deciding which path we're going to be taking in life. However, one must remember that:

Not everything is set in stone; even those set in stone usually break provided the circumstances and time.

Following my classmates whom I graduated with is a daily reminder that life truly is short and not to take advantage of a precious moment. Having graduated high school less than a year ago, it's astonishing about how many things have happened that no one could have ever imagined; classmates are enlisting, already dropping out of college, getting married, having children, and some are no longer with us. 

Surrounding myself with fellow college students helps me stay at task, but I can't be naive any longer about the reality of it all; even if you have path set for yourself, it doesn't mean that you're going to follow through. 

In order to stay on track on the paths we've marked out for ourselves to accomplish the goals we've always aspired to accomplish, we must build a strong foundation. Take me for example; I've already switched my major(s) twice, as well as my minor. Will I change them again? I sure hope not; I already set my 4.5 year plan, and spent a lot of time doing so. It's something I intend on following through and sticking to it. Then again, even if I believe my plan is set in stone, it doesn't mean that nothing will come up.

As college students, we must take advantage of the time we're granted now. Everyone should continue on their path, and not allow anything to derive your focus. Hope. Dream. Believe. Appreciate those around you.  Apologize to those we've once held grudges to. It may sound silly, but if provided the opportunity, take a short walk outside and just think. 

Taking a walk by yourself doesn't only allow for some exercise or a breath of fresh air, but it allows time to think. If you're anything like me, you have most of your realizations while showering (because you're by yourself). During said walk, whether the 10 minute walk to class, or a 30 minutes out in the woods, just think about where you are at this stage in life; recollect your aspirations and remember why you have them. Think about those who have helped you get to this point. Most importantly, think about if you're really happy

We're not promised an eternal life; we must make the most of what we have now, today & set up success for tomorrow. We may be the most stubborn individuals, but even the best in the league are thrown curve balls that they miss. It's important we stay strong enough to take the unexpected, and develop a new path to take to accomplish just as important goals, or even more important goals than before. 

Remember, even those set in stone may tumble. 

*I'm not attempting to be negative in any means, but I know we're all strong enough to get back up if our plan fell through to develop a new one and build a stronger foundation. 

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